Academic affiliations

Research at UT3 is organized into 4 research poles and one axis. The Unit belongs to the pole of activity “Matter Sciences” (SDM), which brings together all laboratories in the fields of chemistry, physics and materials.

The UMR152 belongs to the Institut de Chimie de Toulouse (ICT, FR 2599), a federative structure bringing together the driving forces of chemistry in Toulouse. ICT includes 8 laboratories (from UT3, CNRS, IRD, INRA, INP, Pierre Fabre) and more than 500 people, including 350 permanent staff. This structure made possible to set up a scientific and technical platform that brings together all the heavy and medium-heavy equipment open to all researchers at the site, as well as to industries (annual investment budget of around 220 k€, plus regional, FEDER and CNRS aid). PHARMADEV directors are members of the ICT steering committee and Karine Reybier (E3 REDSTRESS team) is a member of its board.

The members of the unit belong to two doctoral schools (ED) of the UT3, the ED Sciences de la Matière (SDM) and the ED Biologie-Santé-Biotechnologie (BSB). Nicolas Fabre and Françoise Nepveu are representatives of the unit for the ED SDM, Agnès Coste is representative for the ED BSB. For the ED SDM, a doctoral contract is awarded to the unit approximately every 2 years, based on the number of chemical researchers publishing the unit. For the ED BSB, scholarships are awarded on the basis of a competitive selection.

Through our activities in the countries of the South, PHARMADEV is also linked to several universities in other countries by training many students from the Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia (UPCH), the Faculty of Pharmacy of Vientiane, the University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB), the University Gamal Abdel Nasser of Conakry (UGANC),…